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Paramount Chief dies of heart attack

By Hassan Juana Koroma

The Paramount Chief of Barri Chiefdom in Pujehun District, Vandi Kong Magona, has died of a heart attack. He reportedly fell ill last weekend when family members decided to rush him to the Bo Government Hospital in the regional capital, Bo.

The late chief is said to have fallen sick earlier and was hospitalized at the same Bo Government Hospital when his condition got improved. He was then moved to his home in Potoru, where the latest attack occurred.

Magona became the chief of Barri Chiefdom in 2003 when he won the Paramount Chieftaincy election against his brother, Mohamed Magona. Family members say he will be returned to his hometown and, as per tradition, be declared dead on Tuesday.

His death means a fresh chieftaincy election will be conducted for the chiefdom for the first time in 16 years.

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