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Over 100 peace mediators trained nationwide

By Politico staff writer

120 people from across Sierra Leone have completed training on Peace Mediation that was organized by the Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion (ICPNC) in partnership with Ghana based Women, Peace and Security Institute (WPSI) of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC).

The peace mediators- 64 men and 56 women were taught mediation and reconciliation skills.


The training for mediators in the Western Urban and Western Rural district was held in Freetown, while others had theirs in the regional headquarters towns of Bo, Kenema, Makeni and Port Loko.

Participants comprised Paramount Chiefs, Tribal Heads, Religious Leaders, and Market Women. Also in attendance were officials from Office of National Security (ONS), Youth Representatives, and representatives of Civil Society Organizations.


According to Madam Agnes Afi Agbevadi training facilitator and Acting Head of Women Peace and Security Institute at the KAIPTC, the training was to enhance the capacity of national and district mediators to effectively prevent and resolve any potential conflict that may arise before, during and after the June General Elections.

“We do not foresee any threat but we are training the mediators ahead of time so that in the case of any potential conflict they will be able to deal with it in their various regions", she stated.


Speaking on the partnership with the ICPNC, Madam Agbevadi noted that both organizations have the same mandate to ensure peace and security.

"The Women Peace and Security Institute at the KAIPTC urges all national stakeholders to integrate women’s perspectives and full participation in the electoral processes. The Institute also calls for a concerted and collective effort especially at the community levels to ensure violence- free elections in Sierra Leone," she continued.


Kojo Mends-Buah, Senior Programmes Manager Conflict Mediation and Resolution at ICPNC said mediation is more important when there are issues of conflict, requiring specially trained people and hoped those who have gone through the exercise will secure the peace of the nation.

"We are therefore expecting the mediation team members to go back to their respective communities and contribute towards the furtherance of peace and national cohesion in the country’’, he urged.

Some of the mediators in reaction described the exercise as timely and pledged their unflinching commitment to upholding the peace within their various communities.

“I’m grateful to be here to be taught and trained as a mediator of peace in my community. It's really sad going through social media and seeing what some political parties are saying that does not resonate with the peace in our country. I think it’s good to have this training so that when we go back to our communities we can help in consolidating our peace," Reverend Father Lappia from Mattru Jong, Bonthe District.


Doris Fambulleh a trader from Bo said, "This training is really timely because we know what we've experienced from past elections with incidents of violence and hate speeches among party leaders and supporters but with this training we are now ready to reach out to constituents with messages of peace".

Some of the topics covered in the training include:  conflict analysis, conflict theory, mediation and reconciliation. Practical sessions were also held.

 ICPNC came into existence by an Act of Parliament in February 2021 and was officially launched on Thursday 20 April, 2023.

The commission's mandate to promote national cohesion and continued progress towards sustainable peace and development.

Copyright (2023) Politico (12/06/23)
