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Makoloh-Mabang Bridge Road to be ready in 14 months

  • VP, Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh commissions the road

By Nasratu Kargbo

Sierra Leone’s Vice President, Dr Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh, has commissioned the construction of the Makoloh-Mabang Bridge Road which is expected to be completed in fourteen months.

The road’s construction was formally launched on 15th November 2023, though actual work had commenced on the 1st November this year, and to end on the 1st January 2025.

VP Jalloh at the event spoke about the significance of a good road network in a country and believes that when the road is done farmers, fishermen, and people living in communities close by will easily access the Western Area and other parts of the country to sell their produce.

He said the road will enhance connectivity linking the north and the south. “It is a very important road,” the VP said, and assured the people that they will ensure the other stretch of road will be done bit by bit until they get to Bonthe.

The Vice president said road infrastructure is one of President Julius Maada Bio’s key elements under the Big Five agenda.

National Authorizing Office (NAO) Director Ambrose James whilst speaking on the purpose of the programme explained that the road which was not part of the initial arrangement was considered in order to ensure that the way to the Mabang Bridge was not in a dilapidated state.

He said the Mabang Bridge replaced an old single-lane bridge that had collapsed on 22 February 2013.

James explained that the road is joint funding between the government and the EU, stating that the total cost is 7.35 million Euros, with the EU providing 4.6 million of the total cost whilst the government provides the balance of 2.75 million.

He said the government will also pay compensation for persons whose property is affected, as well as provide security, amongst others.  

James spoke of the relationship between the country and the EU and the country’s benefit from that over the years.

EU Ambassador Manuel Muller explained that the money they’ll be using to fund the project is from the funds remaining from the reconstruction of the 32.8km road from Moyamba Junction to Moyamba town, construction of Mabang Bridge and Paramount Chief Adikali Modu III Bridge at Magbele. He said the government had suggested the remaining funds be used to construct the fourteen kilometres distance from Makolo to Mabang Bridge. He noted that the road’s standard will be the same as the others with a base course and an asphaltic wearing surface. “It will be a dual carriageway taking vehicular traffic in both directions at all times. It will have a shoulder on both sides of the Centre line and right-sized side drains will be constructed within settlements and in other places where this is deemed necessary” he added.

He said that the road would be 10metres wide and that the carriageway would be 3.5m in either direction and typically wider in curves, with the shoulders expected to be 1.5m on each side.

Copyright © 2023 Politico (17/11/23)
