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Koita asked 5th accused for protection


By Saio Marrah

A WhatsApp conversation between first accused, Amadu Koita Makalo and the fifth accused, Alimatu Hassan Bangura has revealed that Koita asked the fifth accused for protection until he was able to leave Sierra Leone in the days after the failed coup.

The 30th Prosecution witness, Detective Inspector Mohamed Jusu, Cyber Analyst read out the WhatsApp text message between the two accused persons in court on Wednesday May 15th 2024. He told the court that he extracted the conversation between the two lovers through the phone of the fifth accused and that the conversation between the two was initiated on 1st December 2023.

At the beginning of their conversation, the fifth accused appeared not to know whom she was communicating with as she asked: “Who please” in response to Koita’s first message which read: “Hi love.”

After a series of WhatsApp voice calls between the two, a text message conversation appeared in which the fifth assured Koita that she would protect him. The printed version of a screenshot of their WhatsApp conversation further indicated Koita telling her that they might be together the following day.

On the following, December 2, 2023, Koita told accused Ms. Bangura to contact someone called George, who resides in east Freetown so she would take him – first accused Koita to his place. Their conversation indicated that accused Koita intended to leave the place he was hiding to join the fifth accused on that day between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m., but on the understanding that the fifth accused would then move him over to the east of Freetown.

Koita further asked, “Have you bought the home boy? Please tell the man to go and buy it.” The fifth accused then told Koita that she wanted to listen to the President’s address to the nation that night and after which she would go to him.

Koita then responded saying, “are you not coming for me anymore… you should put my safety above anything else” and  “I am not comfortable here anymore because here is surrounded by core SLPP supporters.” He added: “I am more comfortable with you than anyone else.”

At 1a.m. on the following day, 3rd December, their whatsapp conversation showed Koita telling the fifth accused to stop visitors from coming to her house until he (Koita) leaves adding that he was not comfortable there anymore.

A whatsapp audio message extracted from Koita’s phone, which was played in court, indicated that the 20th accused at the ongoing Court Martial, Sergeant Momoh, had a conversation with somebody he described as “Supreme Mo.” Sergeant Momoh told the “Supreme Mo” that he had attempted to pass through but those he referred to as the enemies were on the road, firing. He also said he had his own rifle and that he was mobilizing others to go.

Meanwhile, first accused Koita told the presiding judge that since he was arrested and incarcerated 4th December 2023, nobody, including the correctional center medical doctors have been to see him.

One of his lawyers also told the court that they had written to the Director General of Correctional Services on the issue but that no action had been taken.

Justice Komba Kamanda then told the defence lawyers to “do the needful.”

The trial continues.

Copyright © 2024 Politico (20/05/24)
