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Guinea rights group vows to march against Junta on Thursday

By Politico staff writer

  Members of National Front for the Defence of the Constitution (FNDC), a constitutional rights group in Guinea have insisted they will march beginning from Matoto a municipality in the capital Conakry tomorrow, in opposition to the military Government’s 2025 date for a return to civilian rule.

The Mayor of Matoto Mamadouba Tos Camara had earlier in a radio broadcast on Monday   stated that he will not allow the march in his community. Reacting, Matoto area General Coordinator for FNDC Alhassane Souare said Camara has no right to stop people from taking to the streets to protest against the army- led Transitional government with military strongman Colonel Mamadou Doumbouya as head.

“He has no legitimacy to prevent the citizens of Matoto from taking to the streets to say no to the CNRD dictatorship against the sovereign people of Guinea”, Souare said.

He said the aim of the march is to demonstrate their opposition to he claimed were the excesses of the authorities.

 “We will never back down, we will demonstrate in the municipality of Matoto to demand a rapid return to constitutional order. The citizens of the commune will be in the streets on July 28”, Souare insisted.

 He said he was calling on the residents of Matoto and the coordinators of the various CRND groups to mobilize.  

“We will not let the army confiscate power to the detriment of the people, we will fight until the final victory. We demand a rapid return to constitutional order, free, credible, inclusive and transparent elections,” Souare told the media.

The transitional government has released a timetable for the return to multi-party politics. Legislative elections are scheduled for November 2024 and Presidential polls in May 2025.

Since Col. Doumbouya staged a coup and removed civilian President Alpha Conde in a coup in September 2021, ECOWAS leaders have called on the military to return the country to constitutional rule.

Copyright © 2022 Politico Online (27/07/22)
