By Sorie Ibrahim Fofanah
Presidential Spokesperson, Alpha Kanu has said government is working on getting investors to build an industrial city in Lungi in bid to attract the more movements of people from the Freetown to Lungi which he believed would solicit investors to build the $1.8 million bridge.
Kuan said Lungi Bridge is a business, adding investors would only invest in the bridge when they are sure of capital benefit. “The point is that how many cars would ply from Freetown to Lungi until investors have their $ 1.8 billion dollars? It would be 40 years,” he added.
He believed that connecting the capital Freetown to Lungi will increase traffic, one of the reasons he said they are working on having an industrial city at Lungi to decongest Freetown.
He said there are investors who are interested in building the Lungi Bridge but that “the viability of the project has to be accompanied with a city’’.
Kanu said Freetown has become over- populated which he added has caused some environmental problems such as flooding and high crime rate.
“So, we need to have another city on the other side which will be the industrial commercial city. That is what we are working on now. So, Lungi Bridge is not dead. It was not part of the manifesto, but it’s the icing on the cake,” he said.
Speaking about their government’s flagship programme, he said certain parts of President Bio’s speech during the state opening of parliament Kanu disclosed that they have cultivated 29,000 hectares of rice so far.
Commenting on the state opening of parliament Kanu said: ‘’Since the president came into power six years ago, this was the first time that the parliament was full and that it was like before.”
He added that the message by Bio in parliament was strong, noting that Sierra Leone should unite, no matter the challenges.
Copyright © 2024 Politico (12/08/24)