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"Gang-rape" in southern Sierra Leone

  • Detective Sergeant Lahai Koroma, FSU Line Manager - Pujehun

By Mohamed T Massaquoi 

The Family Support Unit (FSU) of the Pujehun Police Division says it is investigating a case of an alleged gang-rape of a 16-year-old girl involving five men.

The incident reportedly happened in Taninahun Village in the Malen Chiefdom. 

Detective Sergeant Lahai Koroma, the FSU Line Manager in the southern district, said the incident took place on the 5 November. He said the five suspected young men aged between 18 and 25 years, were all under police custody.

Detective Koroma said while the suspects had refused to tell the investigators about their job in Malen, other members in the community said they were engaged in diamond mining.

But the police believe the suspects were working for Socfin, the multimillion dollar agribusiness company operating a palm oil plantation.

Copyright (c) Politico 2016 

