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Fisheries ministry embarks on stock assessment

By Alpha Abu

The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources is engaged in fish stock assessment, Josephus Mammy an official from the ministry told a retreat for journalists and activists in Bo recently. He said the authorities through the assistance of scientific observers would want to get a proper knowledge of the status of the country’s fish stock that would help in making informed decisions.

Mammy spoke about a programme initiated by the ministry in which youths are being trained on seamanship and net-mending that would improve their capacity and improve their livelihoods.

He told the gathering that for the first time there is now a Vessel Monitoring System installed from where activities of fishing trawlers on the country’s waters. This, he explained is to deter illegal fishing which would deplete the fish stock and cost the country huge revenue loss.

He also mentioned the construction of a modern fishing outstation with effective radio system at Sulima in the Pujehun district and the initiative to construct a fish processing and handling dockyard that would produce quality products for the wider market. Mammy said the ministry has in place a National Plan of Action that is to roll out a 5 year programme in line with international best practise on fisheries policies.

He also spelled out the challenges facing the ministry that impede or limit the operations of the sector. He said there is only one mid-range patrol vessel to cover the Sierra Leone’s vast fishing waters.   

Copyright © Politico Online 06/12/21
