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Confusion over the appointment of a Chiefdom Imam in Pujehun

  • Police had to intervene to control the situation

By Saio Marrah

As rift emerges over the removal of the Chief Imam of Kpanga Chiefdom, the Pujehun District Security Committee (DISEC) has warned the Sheriff Family to put their house in order before appointing a new one.

The warning letter addressed to the family dated 2nd August 2023, emanated from an emergency meeting held the same day over the controversial removal of Chief Imam, Alhaji Gassimu Sheriff, and the appointment of Shiek Sulaiman Mohamed Sheriff by the Sheriff Family Union.

The issue according to the report has brought division amongst family members, leaving some in favour of the removal while others are opposed to it.

After pointing out that the authorized body to elect or select a chiefdom Imam should be the Muslim themselves, the report also urged for contact with the Council of Imams, the Inter-Religious Council, Ministry of Social Welfare, Council of Paramount Chiefs, and District Officer, for the approval of the Imam.  

Also a Letter signed by the District Officer, Foday Yusif Kamara, called for the entire family to endorse the Imam.

Family members were obliged to attend a meeting with the DISEC during which they were to identify who has legitimacy to the post . 

“DISEC requires a justified reason for the removal of the existing Chiefdom Imam” and that “the inauguration of the newly appointed Chiefdom Imam should be put on hold until the right procedure for the selection of Chiefdom Imam is done,” the letter further reads.

Prior to the DISEC emergency meeting, the district authority had urged the Sheriff family to allow an independent investigation regarding all allegations against the existing Chief Imam.

A close source from the Chiefdom said there were protests against the removal of the pre-existing Imam in the Chiefdom and that there was a heavy presence of state paramilitary Police.

Copyright © 2023 Politico (09/08/23)
